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Workshop 2 Hari Rahasia Kundalini – Bandung

Sabtu - Minggu, 18-19 Januari 202009.00 - 17.00
Bandung Jawa Barat
Workshop 2 Hari Rahasia Kundalini – Bandung

2020 is a special number. It implies balance. So, let’s balance the life between work, family, sport, entertainment, and me-time/diving into silence. It’s not about the best way to live the life, because we are the life itself.

So, how to balance it with this “so little time, so much to do”? Let’s just rise up the Kundalini, and the balance will be there without any efforts.

Feel the calling, and if you are destined to come, then the Universe will guide the way. See you, rahayu.


  • Setyo H Dewantoro
    Penulis Buku, Pembimbing Spiritual & Meditasi
  • Tunjung D Bintoro
    Pembaca Data Jiwa Masa Lalu (Ajali Kauri Specialist)
  • Sasongko Hendratmojo
    Sketsa Jiwa & Energi (Soul Tracker & Sketcher)


Jl. Simpang Pahlawan 1 No. 11A Bandung

Rp 555.000

#mahadayainstitute #mahadayasuwung #mahadayanusantara #awakenthegreatnesstwithin #meditasibandung #yogabandung #bandung


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