Read SUWUNG, you will get the full explanation and answers about Javanese Ancestral Secrets
Meanwhile, there is also the reality of God that you find representative in you, we calls it as Hingsun, the reality of God who reigns at the center of the heart. The way to connect with God’s reality in us is very simple, just do breathing exercises, which we call “Eling Hambegan”.
You are not being led to use your mind in analysis mode, while reading SUWUNG, as like when you use your mind to solve problems such as answering questions about what, why, who, when, where and how (5W, 1H) or trying to answer more complex question about volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA).
Through the practice of “Eling Hambegan” on the contrary, your mind is trained to carry out meditative, reflective, and introspective modes, by assigning them as observers, witnesses, for various things that occur in the process of your breath, as we called it, “Eling Hambegan”. You are being led to use his mind calmly, coolly, attentively and mindfully.
Slowly and gradually the analytical workings of the mind change into observative observer mode, will bring you to clear of mind and peace of mind. That’s the moment when the spiritual device that we call “Rasa Sejati” or true feelings is activated and more sensitive to meet the Reality of God within you, as we call “Hingsun”.
So when this clear mind device has been connected and has synchronized with Hingsun, immediately you are connected and experiencing synchronization with God’s Reality in the existence of the entire universe, which we call SUWUNG.
Through this connection your mind with your Hingsun, then your Hingsun to the God in SUWUNG, so the process of synchronization, updates and upgrades between Hingsun and SUWUNG occur. This process has resulted in the arrangement and harmonization of all aspects of yourself. Furthermore, after arranging and harmonizing within yourself occurs, your capacity and capabilities are increasingly expanded, enriched and empowered.
The results of this arrangement will increase all of the resources within you starting from intelligence, energy, motives and so forth. In this situation, you are ready to live a true north, a productive life agenda, a warm, constructive and harmonious relationship with others, the impact of a broad life for humanity, and importantly you have been able to live the art of living beyond joy and sorrow, always peace of mind, because you have understood it and know how to pass, respond to and overcome it.
If clarity of life, peace of mind, widespread multi-cultural understanding across cultures, humanity across nation, are the you have found the gate, we call it SUWUNG.
Spiritual behavior as stated in this book does not invite you to escape from worldly life and to seperate you away from material things.
You are only invited to live a natural lifestyle that produces joy, starting from the connection with the true self, Hingsun.
From this connection, the automatic life begins to be organized. Hingsun has the highest intelligence and power that enables humans to achieve brilliant lives.
All of his talents were revealed, his work became brilliant, and his soul was more pure and peaceful.
To achieve this situation, the Suwung book guides you in three main stages. The first part explains that God is Suwung. Suwung is the emptiness that becomes the beginning, growth and the end of all existence. All of these existences manifest in this universe with humans as one part of it which is also a miniature universe which becomes a way for humans to understand God by tracing the universe traces within themselves.
In one of the chapter it is explained about the human hierarchy of Javanese spiritual binoculars that will guide and help you understand the overall themes in this book. Also included is a discussion in it about the universal laws that naturally regulate it.
The second part provides guidance on learning and the practice of Javanese spirituality practices which emphasizes the occurrence of self-connection, upstream with the real self or Hingsun through various methods of meditation. Apart from being connected with the true self, Hingsun, as the gateway to your journey and spiritual experiences, we also explain guidelines and soul-clarifying exercises from the illusion of reason, emotional sickness, bad karmic seeds and energy parasites. The result is that you will be connected with Suwung who in turn leads to an increasingly high level of consciousness and an increasingly pure soul free and free from the duality of joy and sorrow.
The third part takes you back from the spiritual realm to the realm of everyday life where life needs to be lived as a heavenly celebration and a touch of high intelligence and feeling is passed through as an art. You will find out how to live by a great mission and after you are able to activate Hingsun, strengthen your soul and gather energy to play a role in life as a Light Worker. It also describes how to live a life full of joy, achieve glory, freedom and harmony. And the main thing is to awaken and activate your power and role as a Creator. In closing, it is also explained about death as the transformation of the material body to the light body back to its place of origin, in the Javanese vocabulary called Bali Sangkan Paraning Dumadi.
If the clarity of life, peace of mind, greatness within you, the expansion of cross-cultural, cross-nation understanding, are the diamonds of life that you are looking for, you are in the right place, right now. You have found the gate, we call it SUWUNG.
You can find us, on Java Island, Center of Indonesia.
Setyo Hajar Dewantoro
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